Teaching Experience
Here is a list of courses I have taught over the last ten years (or so).
Courses for Philosophy Majors:
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Mind
Problems from Parfit (seminar on Volume I of Derek Parfit’s On What Matters)
Decision and Game Theory
The Ethics of War
Human Rights
J.S. Mill's Moral & Political Thought
Honors Seminars:
Skepticism, Free Will, and Mind
Rights, Freedom, and the State of Nature
Social Justice, from Theory to Practice
The Ethics of Forgiveness
The Social Contract and Its Limits
Why Ethics Matters
General Education Courses:
Global Ethics
Law and Morality
Philosophy of the Human Person
Social Justice
Philosophy and Feminism
Making Moral Decisions
Bioethics/Medical Ethics
Military Ethics
First-Year Seminar:
Philosophy and Science Fiction Films
Independent Studies:
Privacy and Rights
Political Philosophy
Human Rights
Philosophy of Mind
Senior Honors Theses that I Have Supervised:
Emilia DiFabrizio, Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 2020-2021
Marisa Jurczyk, Value Drift in Effective Altruism, 2018-2019
Thanh Mai, Women’s Autonomy on the Internet, 2017-2018
William Riley, Inescapable Hope, 2017-2018
Sample Teaching MAterial and Teaching Demos
Sample Syllabi
coming soon
Sample Goals and Objectives
coming soon
Sample Assignments and Rubrics
coming soon
Sample Classroom Exercises
coming soon
Brief Teaching Demos
coming soon
Teaching Statements
Statement of Teaching Philosophy (coming soon)
Statement on Diversity in the Classroom (coming soon)
Statement on Accessibility for All in the Classroom (coming soon)
Statement on Online Teaching (coming soon)