Applied Ethics and Public Policy
My interests within applied ethics are quite broad, and I have published work on bioethics, environmental ethics, just war theory, and the ethics of technology.
Consequentialism and Environmental Ethics, Routledge, edited with Avram Hiller and Ramona Ilea, 2013
Buying Luxuries and Saving Lives, Southwest Philosophical Studies, forthcoming in 2023
The Place of Political Forgiveness in Jus post Bellum, Underrepresented Perspectives on Forgiveness, edited by Court Lewis, (Vernon Press) forthcoming in 2022
“How Soon Is Now? On the Timing & Conditions for Adopting Widespread Use of Autonomous Vehicles,” Autonomous Vehicle Ethics: Beyond the Trolley Problem, edited by Ryan Jenkins et al. (Oxford University Press), Forthcoming
“The Equifax Hack,” Case Studies in Business Ethics (Broadview Press), Forthcoming.
“Liability to Deadly Force in War,” Who Should Die? edited by B.J. Strawser et al. (Oxford University Press), 2017: 13-32.
“Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Robots in War,” Robot Ethics 2.0, edited by Patrick Lin et al., (Oxford University Press), 2017: 274-292.
“Third-Party Forgiveness,” The Philosophy of Forgiveness, Volume II: New Dimensions of Forgiveness, edited by Court Lewis (Vernon Press) 2016: 15-46
“Understanding Just Cause in Cyberwarfare,” Routledge Handbook of War and Ethics: Just War, edited by Fritz Alhoff, et al., (Routledge), 2013: 382-393.
“Voluntary Human Engineering, Climate Change, and N-Person Prisoners Dilemmas,” Ethics, Policy, & Environment 15 (2), 2012: 241-243.
“Just War Theory, Political Liberalism, and Non-Combatant Immunity,”Theoretical & Applied Ethics 1 (1), 2010.
Moral, Political, and LEgal Theory
Within moral theory, I work primarily on (and around) the consequentialist tradition and its history, though I have also published work on moral psychology. Some of my work on moral theory shades into areas of political and legal theory too.
“On Liberty” by J.S. Mill, Broadview, edited 2015
Mill on Justice, Palgrave Macmillan, edited 2012
Medical Deportation, Non-Citizen Patients, and Nonideal Theory, Applying Nonideal Theory to Bioethics: Living and Dying in a Nonideal World, edited by ElizabethVictor and Laura Guidry-Grimes (Springer Press), 2021: 357-374.
“Is There an Obligation to Abort? Act Utilitarianism and the Ethics of Procreation,” Essays in Philosophy 20 (1), 2019: 1-18.
“Rule Consequentialism and Disasters, Philosophical Studies 162 (2), 2013: 219-236.
“Legal Theory, Law, and Normativity,” Journal of Moral Philosophy 9 (1) 2012: 115-126, reprinted in Law and Legal Theory, edited by Thom Brooks, (Brill) 2013: 93-104.
“Rule Consequentialism and Scope,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (5) 2012: 631-646.
“The Objection from Justice and the Conceptual/Substantive Distinction,” Mill on Justice, edited by Leonard Kahn (Palgrave Macmillan), 2012: 198-220.
“Moral Blameworthiness and the Reactive Attitudes,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (2), 2011: 131-142.
“Conflict, Regret, and Modern Moral Philosophy,” New Waves in Ethics, edited by Thom Brooks (Palgrave Macmillan), 2011: 7-27.